
In gratitude to the gurus, the lineage and to all my amazing teachers, past, present ….and future. I have been blessed to have been taught and inspired by true masters of Hatha, Raja and Jnana Yoga.

Swami Swaroopananda-ji, beloved teacher and spiritual preceptor, who believed in me and changed my life.

Faustomaria Dorelli, amazing teacher of many teachers, who ignited the first spark of enthusiasm within me for the deeper transformative power of Hatha Yoga.

Mukunda Stiles, whose teachings on Raja Yoga, Structural and Ayurvedic Therapy have profoundly enriched my sadhana and my own teaching.

Swami Maheshananda-ji, our encounter so far has been brief, his direct transmission and instruction in the teachings to me, life-long in impact.

Godfrey Devreux, my first Hatha Yoga teacher and one whose wisdom teachings I return to again, with great joy and thankfulness.

Dr David Frawley, for sharing his rare understanding of the deeper aspects Ayurveda, Hatha, Raja and Jnana, and for his encouragement.

The Saraswati lineage: Swami Sivananda, Shankaracharya, Swami Vishnudevananda

Osho, immense, timeless, universal teachings for our times

Mooji-ji, beautiful Vedantic teacher of our times, awakening in the inner.

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