“When we live in alignment with the seasons and nature’s rhythms, we avoid the diseases that might have been coming”.
If you are reading this page, I know you are motivated to take care of your body and mind. I know you love life and you want to live your best life possible, for as long as possible. And so I want to begin by asking you to imagine how much more might you get out of your life if you were free of those niggling aches and pains, had greater energy, a positive and clear mindset, better sleep and enhanced digestion and immunity? Are any or all of these holding you back from living your best life? It doesn’t have to be that way.
When combined, Ayurveda and Yoga offer a fantastic and most complete package for the health of your whole being: body, mind, emotions, energy and spirit. And this is precisely what the Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching programmes are about. Daily Yoga posture, breath, relaxation, and meditation practices are all seasonally adjusted according to the teachings of Ayurveda for enhanced impact and are combined with monthly Ayurveda nutritional guidance for extra support to body and mind.
As a subscriber to the Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Programmes, you will have ongoing access to the ancient wisdom of these two sister sciences skilfully interwoven for optimum health and happiness in 21st century life. You will have my ongoing coaching support including some personalised guidance, and the support of an Ayurveda Yoga community to encourage you to keep going .
Imagine how it might impact your body, your mind, your personal and your professional life if you had daily access to:
- Yoga practices not only specially created to enhance your strength and flexibility but also your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being?
- month-by-month nutritional guidance to add power to the health-giving effects of your Ayurveda Yoga?
- a community of Ayurveda Yoga practitioners to show up with you for class, supporting your commitment to practice?
- classes designed to keep your body and mind balanced and functioning optimally through the changing seasons?
- movement, breath and visualisation practices that cleanse the body tissues and clear out mental-emotional cobwebs at the transitional junctures of year for a better Winter and Summer?
- special practices to support sustained resilience, vitality and positivity through the darker days of Winter?
- classes which support the abundant energy of Summer and your increased activity?
- classes indeed adapted to the nature of every season for ongoing equilibrium in body, mind and spirit?
- (optional) personal 1-1 Ayurveda guidance (herbs, oils and personally tailored diet).
- Increased strength and flexibility.
- Reduced inflammation.
- Greater energy.
- More positive mindset.
- A sense of community to support daily practice.
- Greater patience and tolerance
- A deepening, evolving and restful connection to the heart and soul of being.
CLICK HERE to read testimonials of participants in these Ayurveda Yoga Coaching Programmes
- Livestreamed morning Ayurveda Yoga classes structured to support body and mind through the changing seasons for optimum health and vitality (8am UK time).
- Recordings of 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes per week.
- Classes include cleansing and strengthening posture, breath, relaxation, and meditation practices.
- Month-by-month Seasonal Nutrition Guides
- One weekly meditation session
- One weekly Ayurveda Yoga Coaching Question and Answer session.
1. Membership of the Ayurveda Woman programme, designed to strengthen and nourish women’s physical, emotional and spiritual health (including participation in New and Full Moon classes).
2. Unrestricted participation in ongoing Ayurveda and Yoga courses. These include topics such as Introduction to Meditation, Journey into Meditation, Ayurveda Living, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
3. Weekly or monthly 1-1 Ayurveda and/or Yoga session to address your personal health.
Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching is suitable for anyone with some Yoga experience and an interest in the health-giving benefits of Yoga practices. This Yoga experience combined with a readiness to commit to personal health and happiness makes the perfect candidate for subscription to these programmes.
It is ideal for those with an affinity for Ayurveda, and those interested in or working in the field of the Healing Arts. You will learn much to support yourself personally and much to bring to your clients and patients.
If you have any health condition or physical limitation, or no to very little experience in Yoga, please contact me. It maybe more suitable for you to at least begin with 1-1 Ayurveda Yoga Coaching.
We have all experienced the power of Yoga to impact our body, mind and hearts. When Yoga classes are structured with specific energetic intent, the effect of the classes is all the more powerful and transforming for body, energy, mind and spirit. The classes in these Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching programmes are structured with such an intent.
In Ayurveda one of the three causes of disease is said to be the effect of the seasons. We all know how transitional times of year, as we move from Winter to Spring and Summer to Autumn can make us more vulnerable physically. Viruses and infections surge and we have all seen and experienced colds and coughs spread during these times. Many of us know the late Winter months to be times when we feel the “moody blues” and find it particularly hard to feel motivated or uplifted. And whilst some of us thrive in the intense heat of Summer, others find the heat physically debilitating or irritating to any inflammatory state of body or mind. Mostly we love the arrival of Spring and look ahead to the more active months of summer, which can inspire us to begin to cleanse and replenish the body.
Ayurveda understands that all these responses to the seasons are triggered by the nature of that season. Our bodies are affected by the qualities of each season and they undergo changes accordingly. Even if we were to live in a basement room and never see the light of day, our bodies would know that the seasons were changing and would be changing accordingly. We are not independent of nature and our environment. We are a part of it. And yet so often these days we live as if we are immune to the impact of nature.
Ayurveda teaches us that what is happening in our environment, for example in the seasons and climate, is also happening in our bodies. Therefore, as the damp and wet increase in the environment in late Winter and early Spring, the same begins to happen within us in body and mind. We can feel heavy, sluggish, congested. When the dry, cold weather of Autumn and early Winter arrives, as the leaves and plants start to dry out, we can find the same happening in ourselves: our skin and hair may start to feel drier, our elimination may be drier and harder for some of us, indicating that not only our outer body but also our inner body is affected.
Therefore to sustain equilibrium in body and mind through the seasons, Ayurveda tells us that we need to constantly adapt our lifestyle choices, diet and indeed all our activities to combat the effects of each season. Otherwise, we risk becoming ill. For example, too much damp in the body created by the wrong types of food for the late Winter and Spring season (and maybe also for our metabolic type) can start to create more mucous in the body and it is in this mucous that many of those congestive types of late Winter bugs can thrive.
This wisdom of Ayurveda can be powerfully brought to Yoga. In fact, traditionally the two were taught and practiced together. When a Yoga class is structured with an awareness of the energetic effect of the practices and the energetic qualities of the season: when the practices are selected and structured to combat the adverse effects of each season and/or to align with their positive aspects, then we can start to experience an incredible balance in body and mind. There is a great boost to our sense of well-being and vitality. Supported by month-by-month seasonal nutritional and lifestyle guidance, these Ayurveda Yoga group coaching programmes are physically, mentally-emotionally and spiritually revitalising, health-supporting, and empowering. They will help to keep your body, mind and energy aligned with each other and with the rhythms of nature throughout the year. Aligning with the rhythms of nature, we become less susceptible to the vagaries Nature’s changeful nature and more ready to enjoy her life-giving bounty.
1. MOVEMENT – We engage with asana, interweaving a broad-ranging approach to Yoga posture practice with the teachings of Ayurveda to sustain health in body and mind through the changing seasons. The style and content of Yoga posture practice will change as we move through the seasons: sometimes with a more dynamic practice, with strengthening cleansing postures: at other times with a slower calming and grounding approach, and other times with nourishing and cooling, more deeply inward-oriented practices.
2. BREATH – Modern research is increasingly affirming the crucial role of the breath for our immunity and all-round physical and mental health and happiness. On these programmes, we practice age-old breath techniques to boost our energy levels, peace of mind, immunity, digestion and stress-resilience: and to reduce mental disturbances, fatigue and insomnia, and to slow down the ageing process. The practices are again selected according to their capacity to support body and mind through the challenges of each season Sustaining equilibrium is key.
3. RELAXATION – We strengthen and replenish body and mind with regular guided relaxation practices, new and old, also essential for our continued wellness. This supports good mood, better sleep, and a means to release the burdens we may be carrying. In darker colder months, the nature of the guided visualisations used during relaxation processes, will differ from those used during warmer, more active months. Again, seasonal adaptations are made for optimum effect.
4. NUTRITION – The health-enhancing effects of the Ayurveda Yoga practices are complemented by ongoing nutritional guidance. Ayurveda teaches us to adapt our foods through according to nature’s rhythms: the seasons and their transitions, and the lunar cycles also. You will receive month-by-month eating plans and recipes, with tips and practices for optimising digestion and reducing toxic build up, inflammation, aches and pains, and weight gain or excessive weight loss.
5. LIFESTYLE – Tips and guidance from Ayurveda for sustaining physical and mental strength and vitality through the changing stages of our life, changes in nature and the seasons, and according to our age and metabolic type,
6. MEDITATION AND ENQUIRY – Regular mediations anchor us in a place within us, which is beyond the conditioned mind and it’s disturbances, beyond all doubt and fear, and which is the dwelling place of our essential, unlimited Self .
- Enjoy the powerful benefits of intentionally structured Hatha Yoga classes which take you deeper into practice
- Awaken your connection to an inner abode of infinite serenity, wisdom and potentiality.
- Nurture and experience different dimensions of your inner being as reflected by the message of each season.
- Become adept at transforming your state of mind to sustain equilibrium and contentment
- Learn how to balance and increase your energy levels with specific breath and posture practices.
- Sustain strength in body, mind and heart through the changing seasons
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- 7 class recordings through the week.
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- the 7 class recordings.
- a weekly Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Q&A sessions
- participation in the New Moon Body-Mind Reset Coaching day.
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- the 7 class recordings weekly.
- a weekly Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Q&A session.
- participation in the New Moon Body-Mind Reset Coaching day.
- membership in the Ayurveda Woman Programme, with participation in the Full Moon: Female Nurturance Workshop
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- access to the 7 class recordings weekly.
- a weekly Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Q&A session
- participation in the New Moon Body-Mind Reset Coaching day.
- membership in the Ayurveda Woman Programme, with participation in the Full Moon: Female Nurturance Workshop
- Participation in an 8-week Ayurveda or Yoga Course. For example, Introduction to Meditation, Journey Into Meditation Course, Ayurveda Living Courses, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology Courses
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- access to the 7 class recordings weekly.
- a weekly Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Q&A session
- participation in the New Moon Body-Mind Reset Coaching day.
- membership in the Ayurveda Woman Programme, with participation in the Full Moon: Female Nurturance Workshop
- One Ayurveda or Yoga session every 4-weeks with Sara, to address your personal health with herbs, diet, lifestyle.
- access to 7 Ayurveda Yoga classes. Livestream classes run from Tuesday to Saturday each week.
- access to the 7 class recordings weekly.
- a weekly Ayurveda Yoga Group Coaching Q&A session
- participation in the New Moon Body-Mind Reset Coaching day.
- membership in the Ayurveda Woman Programme, with participation in the Full Moon: Female Nurturance Workshop
- One Ayurveda or Yoga session every 4-weeks with Sara, to address your personal health, with herbs, diet, lifestyle.
- Participation in an 8-week Ayurveda or Yoga Course. For example, Introduction to Meditation, Journey Into Meditation Course, Ayurveda Living Courses, Yoga Philosophy and Psychology Courses
Get In Touch
07910 088 032
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