Are you a woman looking to:

  • optimise health and well-being as you approach or enter into peri-menopause, menopause or post-menopausal years
  • reset irregular, painful or absent menstruation
  • enhance fertility
  • support longevity 
  • sustain hormonal health and balance for as long as possible
  • nurture your innate feminine power
  • develop  your female intuition
  • tap into the creative and nourishing power of the Divine feminine, the energy at the source of all creation (Mother Nature).
  • build greater connection to the feminine force within you and it’s qualities of love, compassion, creativity, and wisdom

If you answered yes to any of the above, then please read on!

New moon time is the perfect time to physically support the body to cleanse and replenish itself for greater balance in our female health. It is also the ideal time to release on subtler levels what no longer serves us – emotions, thought patterns, belief systems perhaps. It is a time for letting go on levels of body, heart, and mind. And a time for setting new intentions and goals for the month ahead.

These special New Moon Days are structured to guide you very simply with specific dietary, lifestyle and  Ayurveda Yoga practices to cleanse and replenish the female force within you. We call that force your Shakti energy. or Shakti Prana. Shakti Prana is the animating force behind all that moves and breathes in this Universe. It empowers your creativity and capacity to produce. As a woman, it is the energy which supports your body to sustain a balanced and harmonious menstrual cycle,  for you to sustain vitality through menopause, and longevity into your later years. When the lunar energy is at it’s lowest and the solar energy at it’s highest at new moon times, that Shakti Prana within us is at it’s lowest. Resting, cleansing, moving inwards at this time all help to replenish and strengthen this Shakti Prana.  And so new moon times are said to be the perfect time according to the Vedas, for women to rest and reset body, mind and their feminine heart.  Adjusting our days to the rhythm of the new moon like this helps to bring force to our female physical health, strengthen our mental-emotional equilibrium, and replenish the feminine spirit in a way that lends vision and purpose to the new lunar cycle.

Here are some of the benefits of aligning with the lunar cycles:
  • According to Ayurveda all disorders relating to the womb are linked to women’s monthly cycle. Even if the menstrual cycle doesn’t coincide with the new moon, following new moon practices can help to restore the monthly cycles, alongside an Ayurveda diet and lifestyle.
  • Even if you are experiencing menopause or are already post-menopause, doing new moon practices will help you to maintain healthy hormonal levels and are recommended up to ten years after menopause
  • Resting and replenishing our whole being during the new moon can support greater strength and vitality through the each new lunar cycle. 
  • Aligning with the rhythms of the moon nurtures a deepening connection with the Cosmic Divine Feminine and the feminine heart within us at any stage of life, and deemed especially important during the “golden age” of a woman’s life (her later years).. 

Ayurveda teaches us that the dark nights of the moon, the new moon time, are the perfect time to slow down and rest body and mind. It is particularly pertinent for women to pay attention to lunar cycles as our bio-rhythms are so clearly connected to them. These new moon days are designed to helps us align with lunar cycles to support our Shakti energy (the primordial force within all female species) and thereby our female physical, mental-emotional and spiritual well-being. 

The new moon time is very much about cleansing and replenishing the body, and turning inwards to connect with the heart and soul of our being. The Shakti Prana dwells mostly in and around the womb. We work with that Shakti Prana on these special lunar days as this is the energy that has been held since ancient times to be the source of feminine vitality. Shakti Prana is at it’s fullest and nourished by the energy of the full moon, and can be strengthened by cleansing and replenishing practices during the new moon. When as women we align our daily rhythms with the phases of the moon to help realign our inner biorhythms with the lunar rhythms, we nurture our Shakti force. This force is our vibrancy, it feeds our feminine wisdom, our magnetism and our zest for life.

The nourishing light reflected by the moon is not available to us and the sky is dark on these nights of the new moon. Ayurveda has long known and taught that what is happening in the nature around us and in the cosmos at large, is also happening in the micro-cosmos of our own body-minds. This explains why these dark nights of the moon have traditionally been seen as times when our energy as women is naturally lower and we are physically most vulnerable. The moon’s “ojas“, it’s nourishing nectar-like light and energy, is at it’s lowest, whilst the sun’s absorbing energies are at their peak. Therefore it is seen as beneficial to our female health and well-being to temporarily, if possible, reduce our activities and focus on self-nourishment and care during the time of the new moon. It is the ideal time to slow down, do less, and take stock of where we are at in our inner and outer lives. With special practices given to us be the ancients, we support the cleansing and recharging of the Shakti energy.

In Vedic societies, when women were aligned more with nature’s rhythms, they would naturally experience the cleansing and resetting of the female system as their menstruation aligned with the new moon time.  The dark days of the moon were seen as the time when a female body in balance would shed the lining of the uterus and female blood. That is, menstruation was often aligned with the new moon days. Just as a new moon cycle was beginning, a new menstrual cycle would begin. The uterus lining shed as the moon was at it’s weakest, and menstrual blood, containing shakti force, was released into the earth. And so as the new lunar cycle began, so the woman’s new reproductive cycle began, peaking with ovulation at the time of the full moon. This kind of lunar alignment is thought to be optimal for all women: in this kind of alignment, menstruation and ovulation happen when the phase of the moon can give it’s best support to the female body.

Even if we do not menstruate during the new moon times currently, doing these practices during the new moon (and during menstruation), can support a strengthening of the Shakti Prana within us. And that in itself will help to strengthen our female bodies, restore harmony to our female cycles.

There is a spiritual dimension for women also in aligning with the phases of the moon. This makes it relevant to all women even long after menopause. The outer darkness of the skies during the new moon times brings with it a stillness, and this stillness when we attune to it supports a time of quiet reflection and contemplation, a time to rest and recharge. Women would traditionally come together, away from the men and children in traditional societies during new moon time and menstruation. And so monthly alignment with the new moon supported by a community of women, gives you as a 21st century woman precious time out to reset mind and emotions, and to connect with the feminine heart at the source of your being. 

In sum regular alignment with the new moon days, supports our endeavours to sustain and reclaim our female physical health,including helping the hormonal system to reset itself and move towards a more natural state of balance.  On top of this, it offers a space for us to support our mental-emotional equilibrium, strengthen our Shakti prana and nurture our feminine spiritual heart.

  • Optional participation in a morning Hatha class, except when the new moon falls on a Monday or Sunday. This class will be structured to align us with the new moon.
  • A late afternoon or early evening livestream session including a restorative class, special new moon breathing practices, and guided visualisation-meditation – all to enhance Shakti Prana.
  • A final short ritual for letting go of anything that arose from your inner enquiry at home,and to commit to any new intentions for the month ahead.
    Once you have signed up and paid for your place on the New Moon Reset Day, you will receive: 
  • New Moon tasty, cleansing recipe, appropriate to the month and season.
  • Special cleansing and healing teas blended from herbs which suit the nature of the season.
  • Inner enquiry practices for you to enjoy at home, alone or with family, in your own time on this day, guided by the astrology of each moon.
  • Journaling suggestions for some quiet moments of reflection during the day. New moons are the times to set new intentions.
  • A walking awareness practice to enjoy during your new moon walk in nature.
  • You will also receive a link to a New Moon livestream workshop which will include a short restorative posture practice, special new moon breath practices, guided visualisation and a short closing ritual which will draw on your pre-class enquiry work.


There is no need to stop your usual daily or working routine to enjoy these new moon days and to reap all their benefits. Once you have signed up for one or more events, you will receive the following, all of  which you can enjoy at your leisure and to suit your personal schedule


This class will run from 4pm when the new moon falls at a weekend, and from 7.15pm when the new moon falls during a week day. If you cannot make the livestream you can receive a recording. In the new moon class we gather as women to:

  • Fortify Shakti Prana for our health and well-being.
  • Experience the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of special new moon breath practices
  • Move into guided healing meditations and visualisations to replenish body, mind and soul.
  • Uncover and release limiting thought-patterns and beliefs. 
  • Enjoy simple, cleansing and clearing rituals.
  • Powerfully set a clear and renewed personal and/or professional vision for the next lunar cycle
  • Saturday March 13th, class 4pm 
  • Sunday Apr 11th, class 10am – 12 noon
  • Monday May 10th, class 7.15pm 
  • Wednesday June 9th, class 7.15pm 
  • Friday July 10th, class 7.15pm 
  • Saturday August 7th, class 4pm
  • Monday September 6th, 7.15pm 
  • Tuesday October 5th, 7.15pm
  • Wednesday November 3rd, 715pm 
  • Friday December 3rd, 7.15pm

To join any of these events pl;ease EMAIL ME. Once you have signed up, you will get each month’s new moon details and the class link. I recommend signing up at least one week before the event to leave yourself enough time to get any foods and herbs needed for the recipes


New moon cleansing and recharging practices, and livestream class – £30.00/new moon

Seasonal New Moon Subscription – 3 months’ new moon days – £76.50 (value £90.00, save £13.50, 15% discount). 

Annual New Moon subscription – 12 months’ new moon days – £270.00 (value £360.00, save £90. 25% discount). 

New moon day and full moon workshop  £65.00

Seasonal New Moon and Full Moon Subscription: £165.75 (value £195.00, save £29.25, 15% discount)

Annual New Moon and Full Moon Subscription £585.00 (value £780.00, save £195, 25% discount)




Get In Touch

07910 088 032
email me

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