Align with the lunar cycles for female health, vitality, positivity and purposeful living,
through lifestyle, nutrition, yoga, meditation and more!

I know you are an intelligent, active woman. You have inspirations and aspirations. And yet sometimes it is so challenging to see them through: life gets in the way.

You get distracted, avoidably or unavoidably. You get tired. Or you simply cannot sustain the momentum, focus and inspiration to keep going.

Or maybe you are find yourself in a challenging time with your health: facing irregular and painful menstrual cycles, infertility, distressing symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, the fatigue and weight gain that can arise post-menopause.

Whether you are embarking on a new creative project in your home or garden, developing a new business venture, trying to sustain a commitment to a health and/or fitness regime, there are tried and tested ways to live and work in alignment with the lunar cycles which can bring enhanced female health, positivity, and contentment, a stronger and more energised body and mind, and a structure which will help you bring success to your endeavours.

Are you ready to sign up now for next month’s My Moon Rituals programme?

Take advantage of this one off introductory offer of £25.00/month.

Simply email “I’m ready to join my moon rituals”  to and I will send you the booking form. We will start with a live-stream class on May 11th, for which you will receive the link after reserving your place.

How would your life change for the better if
  • you knew how to select and schedule your activities, your nutrition, your Yoga practice and lifestyle in ways which help to support and enhance your health and energy throughout each month?


  • you found out that aligning your lifestyle and dietary choices in specific ways with the lunar phases could play a powerful part resolving female health issues you maybe facing?


  • you understood how to align your personal and professional activities intentionally with the various phases of the moon in order to awaken and enliven the inner resources you are searching for to create a purposeful, fulfilled life?


  • you had access to practices which draw the lunar energies to you when they are at their peak and which help your body and mind to cleanse and replenish when they are at their lowest so that you can enter each new month with batteries fully recharged?

Bringing an awareness of the changing phases of the lunar cycles to your daily life,and  aligning your activities and adapting your nutrition to each lunar phase, brings a wonderful vitality to your body, a clarity and positivity to your mind, and a renewed connection to the physical and spiritual strengths of womanhood for greater success in all your endeavours.

By understanding the moon phases and aligning with them, we can experience:

  • greater female physical health and vitality
  • improved fertility.
  • more regular menstruation.
  • sustained health, strength and balance through and beyond menopause.
  • enhanced mental clarity, focus, creativity and inspiration.
  •  tremendous support for all our good work, personally and professionally.
  • the forces of the nature right behind us, giving us the extra energy, focus and wisdom to successfully realise all our projects

If you are looking to strengthen your health and vitality, and enhance your longevity post menopause, My Moon Rituals have much support to offer you.

If you are a business woman, sports woman,  a woman on a spiritual path, and/or full-time mum in need of some “me time”,  My Moon RItuals can give you a structure to keep you balanced, happy, and on a focused and purposeful track towards success in all that you do.

Love and Thanksgiving, Year End Yoga, Meditation and Heartful Chant, December 17th 2 - 5pm, Walton Hall

What’s Included

The My Moon Rituals programme will guide you gently through an entire lunar phase so that you can align with your biorhythms with the cosmic rhythms and your endeavours with the forces of moon.

The programme draws on combinations of:

  • Ayurvedic nutrition
  • Ayurvedic herbs and teas
  • Yoga breath and posture practice
  • Mudras (energy seals, made with the hands/body to seal and transform energy)
  • Mantra (sacred sounds which energize and transform our subtle body – mind, nervous system. emotions, energy field)
  • Guided Visualisation – Meditations
  • Self-enquiry practices
  • Sacred Rituals

You will receive regular posts in your inbox to support you to smoothly integrate suggested practices into your daily schedule so that you can draw on the promise of each moon phase. You will also receive invitations to enjoy two livestream sessions:

Each My Moon Rituals programme offers you:

  • Journaling prompts for each lunar phase and it’s astrology, with accompanying short guided meditations to help you draw on lunar energies to enhance your physical and spiritual female force, and so that you can sustain momentum, remain focused and keep on track in all  your endeavours.


  • A livestreamed energising and joyful Full Moon Hatha Yoga class with energising, followed by a special guided visualisation to help heal and strengthen your female psyche, and connect you with your highest values so that you can align your daily activities with these for your for greater fulfilment and sense of purpose.


  • A livestreamed New Moon Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra class to deeply restore and rejuvenate body and mind. Plus special breath, sound and mudra (energy seal) practices to strengthen the womb energy for balancing female health.


  • Recipes for  special teas and foods for the new moon, full moon and Ekadashi (when the solar and lunar phases are equal) times of the month to support your body to be harmoniously aligned with the lunar rhythms for improved functioning.

Why work with me

I base all aspects of the My Moon Rituals programme on my unique 6-point E.N.E.R.G.Y plan.

I evolved this plan on my personal journey of recovery from long and chronic illness during which time I often had barely enough energy to even walk across the room and turn a light switch. I was told I would never recover but I didn’t give up and applied all elements of this plan in my recovery, drawing on more than 30 years experience in the field of complementary health and Yoga.  I now live a full and active life, fulfilled and happy life.

The first step of the E.N.E.R.G.Y plan is the key to it’s effectiveness. We start with You! We begin with enquiry into where you are in body, mind and heart, and then all following aspects of a programme or individual treatment can be adjusted to fit your individual requirements.

The 6-step E.N.E.R.G.Y plan is:
  1. E = enquiring into what your purpose is – personal, professional, spiritual, and/or what issues you are facing
  2. N = responding to clear the obstacles from the body, mind, heart and/or energy field and then nourishing all these for greater health and vitality on all levels.
  3. E = this brings you greater energy for fulfilling our personal and professional desires
  4. R = this positive energy begins to restore and replenish body, mind and spirit bringing renewed enthusiasm and inspiration
  5. G = you start to glow. People notice a new and magnetic radiance in and around You.
  6. Y =  This radiance starts to shine the light of clarity, intuition and wisdom onto who You really are and what you can best do in service of your highest good and others. You begin to uncover your purpose, your true nature and in that there is that most wholesome, health-giving coming home to Yourself.


“I just wanted to say how much I loved the new moon day- just wonderful- thank you”.

“The full moon retreat was indeed an amazing mind, body, and soul yoga experience”.

“…moving with the moon is lovely.”

“Amazing full moon retreat…, a full program from dawn to dusk (nearly) going deeply into many aspects of yoga and the divine feminine. Thanks…for all the fun we had, the joy we shared, and the opportunity to deepen our practice”

“I liked all of  (the full moon workshop) very much and felt very calm and uplifted afterwards. I liked the physical yoga, the meditation and the teachings”.


My Moon Rituals starts with each new lunar phase. Start dates in 2021 are:  May 11, Jun 10, Jul 10, Aug 8, Sep 7, Oct 6, Nov 4, Dec 4.

SIGN UP NOW FOR THE NEXT MY MOON RITUALS PROGRAMME for a one off introductory offer of £25.00/month.

SIMPLY EMAIL “I’m ready to join my moon rituals”  to and I will send you the booking form.

We will start with a live-stream class on/close to the new moon day, for which you will receive a link after reserving your place.

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