Ayurveda Spring Cleanse: A Boost To Your Health and Vitality

A 10-DAY PROGRAMME, APR 8TH – 18TH 2021:

Are you troubled by niggling ailments or chronic symptoms that affect your and capacity to enjoy life?

Are any of these familiar to you:

  •  feeling sluggish, heavy, and low in energy
  • bloating, constipation, indigestion, nausea
  • poor sleep
  • aching joints
  • headaches
  •  inflammation in the gut
  • inflammatory skin conditions
  • fungal infections
  •  painful and/or irregular periods
  •  symptoms of menopause or perimenopause?
  • excess pounds that just won’t shift
  • memory not as good as it was
  • difficult to think clearly and focus
  • recent accelerated signs of ageing

If you have answered yes to any or all of these, then this10-day Ayurveda Spring Cleanse could make a big difference to your immediate sense of physical and mental-emotional well-being, and to your long-term health going forward.

Ayurveda understands that all these symptoms listed are indications that the body is struggling. In fact in Ayurveda, these are the first signs of disease and possibly precursors to more chronic conditions. They suggest that the digestive system cannot function properly and  toxins are  accumulating, affecting the liver, lymphatics and blood, and ultimately your overall health.


This ten day programme addresses all the above and it is nourishing time-out for you to. It is time for you to treat yourself – body, heart and soul – from home, whilst simultaneously investing in your long term health and well-being. The programme is like a home spa, self-care retreat. Whilst deeply cleansing and rejuvenating, it has a good degree of self-nurturing and pampering in it. .

Although we have to remove some food groups from the diet, it is not a cleanse on which you will feel hungry or deprived. Your taste buds will be stimulated by the lovely spices added to the foods to aid the detox process, and by the flavoursome drinks.  There are nourishing oils which you will anoint the body with, stimulating body scrubs and a replenishing face pack.

In addition there are Yoga videos with gentle detox practices, guided healing visualisations, and cleansing breath practices.

It’s not possible to travel far to treat ourselves at the moment, due to Covid restrictions. However, in a way,  lockdown is the perfect time to sign up for this  programme. Our diaries are not so busy as they might usually be, and when most of us are spending the major part of our time at home, it is easier than usual to follow the protocols.

A manual guides you through each day, and you will be part of an online support group so you do not feel alone on the programme. I am at hand to answer any questions online.


This 10-day programme deeply cleanses, replenishes and resets the digestive system, liver, lymphatics and blood. The result is symptoms are reduced, and strength and immunity are improved. Vitality increases in the body, and positivity and clarity return to the mind. We feel rejuvenated in body, mind and heart.

The programme helps to restore the body to it’s natural equilibrium so it can begin it’s inner rejuvenating work.  As metabolic function is restored, the ageing process slows and the body starts to shift towards it’s natural weight.


The benefits of Spring Cleansing include:

  • greater vitality
  • increased resilience against infection and disease
  • enhanced mental clarity and positivity
  • improved focus and concentration
  • an overall greater sense of well-being
  • better digestive function
  • sounder sleep
  • brighter skin, better complexion
  • reduced cellulite appearance
  • relief to some skin conditions
  • better elimination
  • improved metabolic function
  • optimum weight maintenance
  • reduced pain and inflammation
  • improved menstrual cycle
  • reduction of menopausal symptoms
  • enhanced energy levels.
  • an inner sense of equilibrium and contentment
  • lighter spirit
  • balanced mood
  • reduced ageing

For an Ayurveda perspective on why Spring is the perfect time to cleanse the body, in preparation for the more active Summer months and also for our long-term health and longevity, please see my blog.

Included in this programme :
  • A preliminary Ayurveda 1-1- consultation.
  • Special Ayurvedic herbal formulas and teas to clean gut, liver, the blood and lymphatics.
  • Herbal powders to support the organs of elimination and detoxification.
  • Cleansing low fat foods to clear and reset the digestive system.
  • Daily oleation therapy with ghee (optional and where appropriate)
  • Gentle detoxifying Yoga posture practices
  • Warming and cleansing breathing practices
  • Simple morning routines to strengthen the body tissues and enliven the senses
  • Stimulating body scrubs and face pack with herbs to soften and brighten the skin, and to help relieve cellulite.
  • Pampering and nourishing body oils.
  • Short fat-burning daily exercise routine
  • A final castor oil cleanse to clear out the toxins released from deep in your tissues so that they are not re-absorbed (only if taking the oleation therapy).


On enrolling for this programme you will receive:

  • A detoxification kit: herbal formulas, herbs to make special teas, castor oil, mung dhal, spices for the kitchadi, body scrub and face pack.
  • A shopping list of all the foods you will need.
  • An instructional manual, including guidance on preparing for the programme.
  • 5 instructional video recordings to show you how to make the foods and teas, and how to carry out the morning breath and self-care practices.
  • 3 recorded detoxifying 30 minute Yoga videos
  • 2 guided healing visualisation audio recordings to support the detoxification process
  • Membership of an online support group where you can post your daily questions to myself and other participants.
  • Two Q&A livestream session



A manual will guide you through each day to support you to keep to the structure of this programme. We will all support each other via an online group so you do not feel alone and so that I can be available at all times to answer your questions. I will give you a clear structured timetable for maximum support but of course you can adapt it to fit around your work and family commitments. A sample day may look like this.

  • On waking, follow special morning routines including oleation therapy to help release old fats and toxins from the liver.
  • Drink a glass of warm water.
  • Follow the tissue strengthening and nourishing morning practices(on the instructional video) to awaken and strengthen the senses, by applying oils and the stimulating Ayurveda body scrub.
  • Leave the oils and scrub on for 15 minutes whilst you practice a 20 minute cleansing and energising breath practice, and empowering guided meditation.
  • Shower to remove the oils and scrub
  • 30 minute Detox Yoga (via recording) or 60 mins livestream at 8am.
  • Light breakfast
  • Mid morning special herbal tea
  • Lunch
  • Mid-afternoon energy boosting and sugar balancing special drink
  • Supper
  • Restful quiet evening, sometimes with suggested pampering/nourishing self-care practices.


The final day of the cleanse is actually the eleventh day and is scheduled to fall on a Sunday so you can be at home. You will be asked to eat lightly and early on the previous evening, and early the next morning to take a drink of castor oil (which is made palatable as it is mixed with orange juice) on an empty stomach . This will empty out the bowels, carrying with it toxins which have been released, sometimes parasites and fungus. This is a day to do nothing but rest and so this needs to be taken into account when signing up for the programme. In some cases, it is not appropriate to do the castor oil cleanse and this will be decided through the initial Ayurveda Spring Cleanse Programme questionnaire that you will be asked to complete.You will be guided gently into normal eating again and into replenishing the gut bacteria, after the castor oil flush.

The flush is also said to help change the microbial flora in the body. Once we’ve got the bad stuff out, we replenish the gut with good lactobacillus bacteria. These new bacteria produce more vitamins for the body and help to change body physiology.


Once Covid restrictions are over, these cleanse programmes (and any follow on rejuvenating programmes) can be supported by wonderful Ayurveda body treatments for those close enough to Stratford Upon Avon.  Ayurveda body treatments use powerfully cleansing and rejuvenating medicinal oils, pastes, scrubs, poultices and steam treatments. Please see here for further details on Ayurveda body treatments.



The programme is £150.00.  (Includes spices, herbal formulas and powders, mung dahl, body scrub, face pack, spice blends).

In addition, you will need to spend approximately £100.00 on equipment, oils and other special foods.

(The shopping list budget includes an optional £22 for organic rosehip oil for face treatment, optional £13 for rosewater. Plus £12 for neti pot and tongue scraper, and £14 for natural bristle brush for skin brushing.  You may already have these).


To enrol on the Spring Cleanse programme, please contact me.

I will then send you an enrolment form and an Ayurveda questionnaire so that we can determine your Ayurvedic type, current state of health and whether or not this programme is appropriate for you.

We will schedule your mini 1-1-session once the forms are returned and the programme fee has been paid.

Please enrol by April 6th to ensure there is time for you to have in place all the products you will be using during the cleanse programme.



Get In Touch

07910 088 032
email me

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