Ayurveda Yoga

Ayurveda Yoga classes interweave a classical approach to Hatha Yoga with the teachings of Ayurveda. This is to support balance in body, mind and heart throughout the year. Most of us know already that Yoga has the power to change our state of being being – body, mind and heart. Yet when we practice Yoga together with an Ayurvedic awareness of the outer and inner forces at play in our lives at any given point in time, the effect is even more potent. Such an approach helps to sustain health, positivity and balance in body and mind throughout the year.

These classes are structured with an awareness of the dosha (Ayurveda type) of each season and the qualities and challenges that each season therefore brings us. Transitional times of year and their effect on our body and mind are taken into account, and class content aims to reduce these effects and support a steadiness and strength physically and psychologically.

This is a transforming and empowering way to practice which helps to sustain an inner equilibrium, as well as vitality and positivity all year round. 

Includes Yoga cleansing practices, posture, breath, relaxation and guided meditation.

The Ayurveda Yoga Coaching Programme, supports you to immerse more fully into the teachings of Ayurveda and Yoga. During and in addition to the classes, you receive practical guidance to take the classical teachings of Yoga and Ayurveda off your mat and into your life for physiological and psychological self-care. For example, seasonal nutrition guides are given, lifestyle tips, and Yoga and Ayurveda teachings for sustaining equilibrium in mind and heart, as well as body. For further details please click here.

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