Dear Yoga friends, 

How are you? I am wondering how you are faring with the current media stories of COVID on the rise in various regions of the UK and the prospect of more restrictions, especially as we move into the darker, colder time of year.
It’s a tough time for many of us, but I hope that COVID has not affected you too badly and that you have had a mix of blessings amongst the challenges of these past months.  Whilst this year has brought difficult and painful times, there is always much to give thanks for. At least one great and unexpected blessing to come out of these past 6 months for me,  has to be meeting with an amazingly beautiful and dedicated group of students for Yoga and meditation online at 8.00am for 5 days each week. What a gift. It has to be every yoga teacher’s dream to be able to teach such a focused group over so long a period of time. It has been like being on a 6 month retreat together. I’m blown away by the lovely group energy. It’s the way I want to live – practicing Yoga and living a Yoga lifestyle with others who are equally in love with the practices. And here we are, in our own homes; a group of people meeting first thing each morning, to move, breathe, enquire, learn and meditate together. When I think of the commitment of these 11 women, my eyes well up. It takes a lot to continue with daily practice like that: we all know there’s always a reason “not” to get up and do what we know is good for us. And I really expected these morning classes to fall away after a few weeks of lock down. And yet 6 months later, we are still going strong together. I believe we have all grown and been an anchor to each other in our showing up each morning.
The classes have evolved organically, in a way they only can when each one holds the same level of commitment. It was never planned to unfold this way. However the group formed in March as lock down started and with it came it’s own amazing momentum. We have grown together in Yoga posture practice, inner enquiry, reflection on the teachings of Yoga philosophy and Yoga psychology and in an understanding of the teachings of Ayurveda which I have woven into these morning sessions. We are exploring the relevance of our daily learning and the insights that arise in practice to our lives off the mat, and indeed how we will best use our life on this planet. Some have joined me again in the afternoons or evenings and are doing two practices per day. 
We all are feeling the benefits to body, mind and spirit of such a focused group practice. If you’d like to join us, you are very welcome. And I am offering a trial week to all on this mailing list. These classes run as a 4 week block which allows access to all my online and face-to-face classes (apart from the new Compton Verney classes).  Why not sign up for a trial week with 9 classes available to you, for just £27.00? This (and the 4-week package) can work out to as little as £3/class and will bring greater strength and flexibility to your body, calm and steadiness to your mind, a sense of community with your fellow Yoga practitioners , and notable progress in your Yoga practice. I think you may be amazed at the effects of even just one week of practice like this. It’s a warm, friendly group. Please email me at if you’d like to book a trial week or to sign up for the 4-week block.
You can read some of the feedback from these sessions on my home page at


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