Kitchadi, A Cleansing Comfort Food

A much loved food in Ayurveda and Yoga is kitchadi. Made from yellow (or green) mung dhal and white basmati rice, flavoured with digestion-boosting spices, this wonderful food is comforting, easy to make and perfect whenever you are feeling under the weather, or would like to give your digestive system and organs of elimination a rest and a boost at the same time! Here’s a link to my Wisdom of Ayurveda column on Kindred Spirit online, with the benefits of Kitchadi and instructions to make it. Enjoy!

The Wisdom of Ayurveda: Kitchari, A Cleansing Comfort Food

For a weekend with this and other Ayurveda healing foods, herbal remedies and gentle Yoga practices, especially to cleanse and strengthen the digestive system, please visit my Digestive Reset Weekend page


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